Sunday, January 30, 2011


Pantheon - 
Greek / Roman / Area
  • Gaea / Terra / Mother Earth
  • Uranus / Uranus / Father Sky
  • Cronus / Saturn / Sky
  • Rhea / Ops / Earth
  • Atlas / ------ / Holder of the Earth
  • Aphrodite / Venus / Sexual Desire, Beauty
Olympians - 
Greek / Roman / Area
  • Zeus / Jupiter / Lightning
  • Hestia / Vesta / Hearth
  • Poseidon / Neptune / Sea, Earthquakes
  • Hera / Juno / Marriage, Childbirth
  • Hades / Pluto / Underworld
  • Demeter / Ceres / Grain
Children of Zeus (Olympians) - 
Greek / Roman / Area
  • Apollo / Phoebus Apollo / Medecine, Poetry, Archery
  • Artemis / Diana / Hunt, Moon, Virginity
  • Ares / Mars / War
  • Athena / Minerva / Weaving, Wisdom
  • Hermes / Mercury / Messenger
  • Persephone / Proserpine / Underworld
  • Hephaestus / Vulcan / Forge

Gods vs. Mortals
  • Gods - 
    • Immortal
    • Born from Gods
    • Create the destiny of others
    • Hold superpowers
  • Mortals -
    • Created by the gods
    • Live a pre-destined life
    • No special powers

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